The Third Sunday Antiphon


Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God, our Savior.

Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.


Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms.

Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.


For God is the great Lord and the great king over all the earth.

Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.




Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.

Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.


Liturgical Resources for Sunday, January 19th, 2025

Gospel: (Lk 18:18-27)


At that time an official approached Jesus and asked him this question, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but God alone. You know the commandments, 'You shall not commit adultery; you shall not kill; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; honor your father and your mother.'" And he replied, "All of these I have observed from my youth." When Jesus heard this he said to him, "There is still one thing left for you: sell all that you have and distribute it to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." But when he heard this he became quite sad, for he was very rich. Jesus looked at him (now sad) and said, "How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." Those who heard this said, "Then who can be saved?" And he said, "What is impossible for human beings is possible for God."



The First Sunday Antiphon


Shout to the Lord, all the earth: sing now to His name, give glory to His praise.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us.


Say unto God, "How awesome are your works! Because of the greatness of Your strength Your enemies will flatter You."

Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us.


Let all the earth worship You and sing to You, let it sing to Your name, O Most High.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Savior, save us.


Apostolos (Colossians 3: 12-16)


Prokimenon: You, O Lord, will keep us and preserve us always from this generation.


Stichon: Save me, O Lord, for there is no longer any holy man, for truthfulness has vanished from among the children of men.


Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians:


Brethren, holy and beloved, as God’s chosen ones, put on a heart of kindness, mercy, humility, meekness, patience. Bear with one another and forgive one another, if anyone has a grievance against any other. Even as the Lord has forgiven you, you too forgive. But most of all, have love, which is the bond of perfection. And may the peace of God triumph in your hearts: indeed, it is to that peace you were called as a single body. Show yourselves thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you in full. Wisely teach and admonish one another by psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing in your hearts to the Lord by his grace.


Alleluia: Your favor, O Lord, I will sing forever; from generation to generation my mouth will proclaim your faithfulness.


Stichon: For you have said, "My kindness is established forever." In heaven you have confirmed your faithfulness.



Instead of: "It is truly right…"


No change. We sing "It is truly right…"




Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise him in the highest.


Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.



When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world, all the powers of heaven cried out:* "O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!"


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.


You arose from the tomb, O almighty Savior;* and Hades, seeing this in wonder, was stricken with fear; and the dead arose.* Creation saw and rejoices with You, and Adam exults.* And the world, my Savior, sings Your praises forever.


Now and for ever and ever. Amen.


The tomb and death could not hold the Mother of God,* unceasing in her intercession and an unfailing hope of patronage,* for as the Mother of Life she was transferred to life by Him* who had dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.