St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church
719 Roosevelt Ave. ● Carteret, NJ 07008 ● (732) 366-2156
Rev. Vasyl Vladyka


Sunday, October 13th, 2024 ● Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost ● Tone 4
 Apostle: Galatians 2 Verses 16-20 ● Gospel: Luke 8 Verses 5-15

Mass Schedule























Appeal to make Donations to the Humanitarian Ukrainian Aid Fund for Ukraine

Please Click Here


Please remember in your prayers all those who are homebound, in care
facilities or impeded by illness. May our Lord restore them to complete health.
Pray for the souls of those who have entered their eternal repose as a result of this dreadful pandemic. Stay healthy! Stay safe! 



Welcome to Church! New Jersey has mandated that Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted for wearing masks and social distancing. That being said, if you have not been fully vaccinated, it is mandatory to wear a mask and observe social distancing guidelines. Occupancy is no longer limited. Please visit our website and for updates.


  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT FULLY VACCINATED, face masks or coverings MUST be used at ALL TIMES.
  • FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT FULLY VACCINATED, social distancing must be observed between yourself and those without masks at the services.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance of the church.
  • Communion will be given as usual out of the chalice, but once you approach the chalice, tilt your head back and open your mouth. Two spoons are used in rotation, each sanitized immediately after each communicant by pure alcohol (at least 60-70%).
  • Maintain social-distancing of 6 ft. for the Communion line if not fully vaccinated.
  • Do not physically touch and/or kiss Church Icons or crosses.
  • It is highly suggested that parishioners who are sick or symptomatic stay at home.
  • Thank you for your cooperation and please pray for each other. 

Public Divine Liturgy and Livestreaming of The Divine Liturgy from several parishes belonging to our Archeparchy is available. To see locations, dates, times and streaming options, please click here.

Metropolitan Borys Gudziak cordially invites you to join him at the Reporting And Benefit Events 2024. We welcome all to come learn about the ministries and activities of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. Your support is essential in ensuring the continued work of the Archeparchy! Good cause, good news, good food, & good music! Come learn about and support the central structures and activities of the Archeparchy. Visit for further information and ticket purchases.
Whippany, New Jersey Highlights Sunday, October 20th at 2:00PM:

  • Metropolitan Borys will report on the recent development in the Archeparchy
  • Documentary Premiere "Standing United: The History of Our New Jersey Parishes"
  • Lunch catered by MishMash Restaurant
  • Basket raffle
  • Purchase your Ticket

Unable to join us, but would still like to support the Archeparchy? Make your donation to the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, 810 N. Franklin Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Your generous contribution is greatly appreciated!

2024 Parish Collection Envelopes and Wall Calendars are available for pick-up in the church hall. If you are new to the parish and would like envelopes, please see Father Vasyl or call the rectory on (732) 366-2156. Please be sure to check off or clearly write in amount of your donation on the envelope, so that we can maintain accurate records of your donations. 

Due to lack of participation, English Divine Liturgy will no longer be celebrated on Saturdays at 5:00 PM if there are no intentions (masses for someone). It would be in your best interest to check the church website weekly if you plan on coming Saturday.


Stand For Ukraine!


















Prayer for Corona Virus 
Let us pray to the Lord.
Lord, have mercy. 
O God Almighty, Lord of heaven and earth, and of all creation visible and invisible, in Your ineffable goodness, look down upon us, Your people gathered in Your Holy Name. Be our helper and defender in these days of affliction. You know our weakness. You hear our cry in repentance and contrition of heart. O Lord who loves mankind. Deliver us from the threat of the Corona pandemic. Send Your angel to watch over us and protect us. Grant health and recovery to those suffering from this virus. Guide the hands of physicians and preserve those who are healthy. Enable us to continue to serve our suffering brothers and sisters in peace that together we may glorify Your most honorable and majestic name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever.

Bishop Andriy asks that you include two petitions for healing from Covid-19 in your Divine Liturgies in the Ektenia after the Gospel (below) and a Prayer for Healing from Covid-19 is to be read after the Ambo Prayer in our parishes beginning this weekend until further notice. To access these prayers in both English and Ukrainian languages please click here.
Liturgy Petitions for the Healing from Coronavirus
Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well.  In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, give your command that we may be spared from this illness and experience your healing love, let us pray to the Lord.
Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, heal those who are ill from coronavirus, have mercy on those who have died and comfort their families, grant the wisdom to those searching for a cure, and help us, through your peace, to overcome our anxiety and fear, let us pray to the Lord.
Прошення за виздоровлення від коронавірусу
Ісусе Христе,  Ти проходив через міста і села оздоровлюючи від хвороб і немочей. За Твоїм повелінням  хворі видужували. У час пандемії коронавірусу повели цій хворобі відступити, щоб ми відчули Твою оздоровлюючу любов, Господу помолімся.
Всевишній Зцілителю душ і тіл наших, вилікуй тих, які захворіли на коронавірус, помилуй тих, які померли, й утіш їхні сім'ї, даруй мудрість тим, які шукають ліки, поможи нам через свій мир подолати тривогу і страх, Господу помолімся.


Request for Updated Mailing Addresses and Email addresses: During the recent sessions of the Archieparchial Sobors, much discussion involved communications and how to increase communications among parishioners, parishes and the archeparchy. Bishop Andriy has requested that each pastor update the parish mailing list and forward a copy to the Chancery. This list should include updated email addresses of all parishioners in his parish(es). These lists will only be used for archieparchial needs. To that end, if you haven't done so already, St. Mary’s is asking our parishioners to kindly fill out a Parishioner Information Form, which are located next to the bulletins,  and drop it into the collection basket on Sunday or mail it to St. Mary’s Church, 719 Roosevelt Ave., Carteret, NJ 07008. To download a printable form, please click here. Thank you.


Confessions may be heard half an hour before each Divine Liturgy and as indicated above in the Easter Schedule.


Victim Assistance Ministry: The Archeaparchy of Philadelphia is offering assistance for those affected by the sexual abuse of a priest, deacon, other minister, employee or volunteer of the Archeaparchy. For further information, please click here.
Compassionate and quality care of our elderly parents and family members is offered by the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate at St. Joseph’s Home in Sloatsburg, N.Y. The need for such facilities among our elderly parents and family members, and within our Ukrainian American community is great. The addition of a new wing and the upgrading of the existing facilities will enable the Sisters Servants to offer elevated medical care and service for the elderly. There will be increased capacity to admit more people needing care. The Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate have historically offered such quality and compassionate care throughout our history in America (75 years in 2017). We need to help them to continue to fulfill this mission and to enable a much needed expansion of St. Joseph’s Home in Sloatsburg. Please help by providing your generous donation to enable the building of the expanded facility to care for our elderly. Please choose to be an instrument of God’s mercy for those who are in need of His care. Thank you! Kindly send your (tax deductible) donation to:


St. Joseph’s Adult Care Home, Inc.
P.O. Box 8
Sloatsburg, New York 10974.




With the events taking place in Ukraine, we offer the following petitions in today’s mass to our brothers and sisters:
O good and loving Master, look down with compassion, heal, comfort and protect Your servants who are wounded and suffering in Ukraine, and receive the souls of all those who have lost their lives from the violence, let us pray to the Lord. We also pray that the Holy Spirit may open the hearts and minds of all in Ukraine to wisdom, grace and prayer so that sincere dialogue may lead to peace and reconciliation, let us pray to the Lord.
Lord have mercy (3 times)


A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
Heavenly Father, Your Son taught us
“Blessed are the Peacemakers for
they shall be called Children of God.”
At this hour, we fervently pray that
Your Holy Spirit may inspire men and
women in Ukraine to become Peacemakers.
May they seek reconciliation and dialogue
and end the violent confrontation and killing.
May they restore tranquility to their nation
and restore human rights, democratic principles
and religious liberty to their troubled land.
God, our Father, we beseech you to comfort
the suffering, heal the wounded and accept the
souls of the departed into Your Heavenly Kingdom.
And may the Most Holy Mother of God, extend her
Blessed Mantle of Protection over Ukraine.
And may each of us always live our lives
as instruments of Your Peace.










  5:00 PM




Divine Liturgy (English)

For Walter Kaliczynsky

6th Anniversary

By Kaliczynsky Family



  9:00 AM


Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian)

21st Sunday after Pentecost

































  5:00 PM


No Divine Liturgy (English)




  9:00 AM


Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian)

22nd Sunday after Pentecost